- Oral Order
- Abbreviation: OO
Универсальный русско-английский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный русско-английский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Oral history preservation — is the field that deals with the care and upkeep of oral history materials, whatever format they may be in. Oral history is a method of historical documentation, using interviews with living survivors of the time being investigated. Oral history… … Wikipedia
Oral literature — corresponds in the sphere of the spoken (oral) word to literature as literature operates in the domain of the written word. It thus forms a generally more fundamental component of culture, but operates in many ways as one might expect literature… … Wikipedia
Oral transmission (synoptic problem) — Oral Transmission is a different approach to understanding the Synoptic Gospels in New Testament scholarship. Current theories attempt to link the three synoptic gospels together through a common textual tradition. However, many problems arise… … Wikipedia
Oral sedation dentistry — is a medical procedure involving the administration of oral sedative drugs, generally to facilitate a dental procedure and reduce patients fear and anxiety related to the experience. Oral sedation is one of the available methods of conscious… … Wikipedia
Oral and maxillofacial surgery — Oral and maxillofacial surgeon … Wikipedia
Oral debriefing — is the interview process of obtaining detailed verbal testimony from individuals. Analogous to interviews that are undertaken in journalism and sociology, its outcome in a comprehensive form is also known as ‘oral history’. Its application is… … Wikipedia
Oral glucose gel — is an over the counter medication, consisting primarily of dextrose and water, along with small amounts of other compounds. It is frequently used by diabetics and those with hypoglycemia to raise their blood sugar when it becomes very low.… … Wikipedia
Order of Attorneys of Brazil — Logo of the Order of Attorneys of Brazil Formation November 18, 1930 Type Legal Society Headquarters Brasília, Federal District … Wikipedia
oral tolerization — oral tol·er·iza·tion .tä lə rə zā shən n treatment of an autoimmune disease by feeding to the affected individual the autoantigen inducing the immune response and causing the disease in order to suppress the immune response by invoking oral… … Medical dictionary
oral sex — noun uncount sexual activity in which one person uses their mouth on another person s sexual organs in order to give them pleasure … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Oral History in Modern Mali — Contents 1 Origins 2 What’s in a Griot? 3 Oral History in Mali Empire 4 Skills of Oral Historians in Modern Day Mali … Wikipedia